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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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127:1, Genesis 2:18-25 A
There may be some people listening
to these sermons and you wonder if there is anything here for you. You may
think that since your children are grown and gone that these messages do not
touch your life. If you are single or living alone, you may believe that
sermons about the home and family have nothing to say to you. No matter where you are in life you still
have family. The things we are going to discuss today will apply to everyone
here, whether you have children or not, or whether you are married or not. We are going to our
time today in Genesis 2 and
talk about building A Firm Family Foundation. We are going to talk about what our
families need to be strong in the Lord. Before we look
specifically at our text, I want you to turn to Psalm 127:1. I think this verse will prepare the way for
what I want to say today. This Psalm is about the family, the importance of
family, and the importance of children in the family. The first part of verse 1 says, Except
the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it
Psalm 127 is in a series of
psalms which bears the subscription A Song of Degrees. There are 15 of
them right in the middle of the book of Psalms. It is interesting to me that
the middle of the songs of degrees is a psalm that has to do with the family. I
think it reminds us of the centrality of the family and the importance of the
family. You
and I know that a nation is only as strong as the families that make up that
nation. We also know that a church is only as strong as the families that make
it up. So the placement of this psalm is very important. Another thing I
noticed as I looked through these songs of degrees is that most of them just
say A
Song Of Degrees. But four of these psalms say A Song Of Degrees Of David,
indicating that perhaps David is the one who wrote that psalm. This psalm is
different, it says at the beginning of that psalm, A Song of Degrees for Solomon.
I think that is important also. Then it begins by saying, Except the Lord build the house,
they labour in vain that build it. As
you know from your Bible history, Solomon was a great king and he was the son
of King David. The thing which probably characterized his administration was
the fact that he was the one selected to build the temple in the Old Testament.
Solomon was a man who understood building. He understood what was involved in
building. For
instance, Solomon would surely understand that building is hard work. It's not
an easy thing to build. If you have a construction project there is hard work
involved. You
would agree with me that it is hard work to have a good marriage. It is hard
work to have a good family. It's
hard work to build a business. Businessmen know it is hard work. It takes long
hours. It takes financial sacrifice. It takes extensive training if you are
going to build a good business. If it takes all that time and effort to build a
business, we should not think for a minute that somehow marriage and family are
just going to automatically work and it won't take a lot of work. I
think Solomon would also understand that it is important that you have a good
general contractor. Hiram was the general contractor for the temple in the Old
Testament. He was a very capable contractor. If you are going to build a family
it is important to have a good general contractor. Except the Lord building the
house... You can't build a marriage and you can't build a family
unless Jesus Christ is the general contractor. Jesus
was a carpenter when He lived on the earth. Jesus is involved today in three
very important building projects. ·
He is involved in building a home for
our future; a place called heaven. He said, I go
to prepare a place for you
He is involved in building a place for
our faith, the church. He said, On
this rock I'll build my church. ·
He is also interested in building a
home for your family. Except the Lord build the house,
they labour in vain that build it. It
takes hard work. It takes a good general contractor. There is no silver bullet
when it comes to the matter of marriage and family. Most of us would like for
there to be a silver bullet. If we could just read some book and have a good
family. Or, if we could just attend the right seminar and find that it would be
a cure-all to having a great family. Or you could just come here and hear the
preacher and get one silver bullet sermon and solve all the problems of your
family. There
are no silver bullets when it comes to building a family. A wedding is a piece
of cake. It's easy. It just takes a few minutes of time. Marriage and family
will take you a lifetime. A wedding is an event. A marriage and a family is an
accomplishment. Solomon
surely understood that it takes work to have a family. It takes the Lord to
have a family. But I think there is something else Solomon would surely
realize. In order to build a house you have to have an adequate foundation. He
would understand the importance of the foundation. When
Solomon built this temple the Bible says he built it out of rocks that were
quarried from underneath the city of Jerusalem. In fact the Bible says they
built it without the sound of a hammer. They went down into those rock quarries
and carved out these massive stones and these stones became the foundation for
Solomon's temple. Solomon
knew the importance of a good, godly foundation in a marriage. We need to take
a fresh look at Gen. 2:18-25.
Those verses, which teach us about the first family, teach us how we can build A
Firm Family Foundation. I want to give you some basic building
blocks upon which to build a solid family foundation. I. v. 18 A GOD ORIENTED
at verse 18. And
the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him
an help meet for him. That verse teaches us that in order to have a
good family you have to have a God-oriented foundation. · The
key phrase in that verse is I will make
The first family was
formed by God. It was founded by His power and sanctioned by His authority. You
have to have an adequate authority for your family. · Every
family is built upon some source of authority.
There is some basis by which you build your family; by which you make decisions
for your family; by which you determine the value system of your family. · There
are basically two directions you can turn when it comes to what will be your
source of authority in family. One place you can
turn is to the culture. You can turn to the culture in which you have been
brought up, or the culture which surrounds you today. Most people, when they
establish a family, draw from the values and the standards of their previous
family. They tend to build their own family and make it like the family in
which they grew up. For many people
that can be a good thing. If you had a Christian mother and dad and they loved
the Word of God and they loved the Lord and if they taught you the Bible and
Bible morality and taught you to love Jesus and love one another, then you have
a marvelous family heritage. That would be a good foundation on which to build
your family. Of course, it is
a sad thing that there are some children who leave those kinds of godly
families. They reject the godly values of their parents and their previous
families and go in another direction. Some people just model
their family after what they knew growing up. That might not be a good thing at
all! For instance if your
family was built on materialism; if material possessions were the most
important thing in that family, thats a bad pattern to follow. If alcohol or
drugs were in your family, that is a bad pattern to follow. Does it bother you
when you a couple in a restaurant with small children and mom and dad are
drinking alcohol in front of those children? Chances are those children are
going to grow up in an atmosphere of turmoil and conflict. One of the greatest
tragedies in families today, is the use of alcohol by parents. Their choices
have brought untold sufferings upon themselves and the children they raise! Maybe some
families have nothing but fussing and quarreling and yelling in the home. If
you saw family arguments and whoever yelled the loudest and got the most
violent won, then you may perpetuate that in your own family. If thats all you
ever saw, then you would think thats the way to do it, but it is a poor
pattern to follow. It may be the culture from which you came. · Others
find their source of authority in the culture around them. They have been
brainwashed by the culture. They allow the media or the standards of the
so-called celebrities of our day to serve as the basis for their own standards.
They allow the culture to determine how they will behave in their family. The media elite
in America today are making a concerted effort to destroy family life as we
know it and as it ought to be. The culture is doing everything in its power to
undermine and totally destroy the biblical foundation for the family. The
standard in todays culture today is the Osbornes, the Simpsons, and the
Bunkers. The world would have you believe that's the way a family is supposed
to be. The whole idea of mocking morality and belittling the institution of
marriage and the family is what we are hearing in our culture today. One of the trends
among the so-called celebrities is for women to have babies and not be married.
That's the in thing now. Just pick out a guy and have a baby. A baby becomes
like an accessory like a piece of jewelry. You have a diamond ring and a
diamond necklace and now you have a baby on the side. If that is your
source of authority, you are headed for some difficult days in your life and in
your family. · I
want to show you how to build A Firm Family Foundation. The way to
do that is for your foundation be a God-oriented foundation. Look at verse 18. And the Lord God said...
This is God talking. God is the One who is establishing the institution of
marriage and the family. I will make... Marriage is a divine
institution. Family is a divine institution. A bunch of cave
men didn't say, Why don't we just have a marriage and let's just have family.
It came from God! Marriage and family is God's idea. So we must learn from God
how a family is put together. We must get God's instruction in family. · You
can learn a great deal from books. You can learn a great deal from marriage
counselors. You can certainly go to seminars and there is research out there
that can be helpful to you. If there is truth there, that truth can be
incorporated and used creatively and effectively. But the ultimate authority of
what marriage is supposed to be and what family is supposed to be is what God
says in the Bible it is supposed to be. God has given us
a Book. In this Book are principles and precepts and promises which can be
followed to help us have a fantastic family. · There
has to be a source of authority. I'm going to talk to you what God says about
the husband and father in the family. I'm going to talk to you about what the
Bible says about a wife and mother and the children. · If
you have a God-oriented foundation, if you get your convictions and values and
standards and directions from what God has revealed in the Bible, then you will
have a proper authority in your family. God must be the first and final
authority upon which the home is built!
I. A God Oriented Foundation II.
gave Eve to Adam and they were brought together as husband and wife and
married. Here is what Adam says, Therefore shall a man leave his father and
his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. · The
goal is oneness. The goal is togetherness. The goal in a marriage and a family
is unity. The goal is to leave and cleave. The Lord is
saying here that there is a temporary relationship in the family life and there
is a permanent relationship in family life. See that word leave? That word reveals
a very important principle. It means to depart from. It tells us that
when we are married, we are to leave our parents. We are to leave our previous
family behind. · What
does that mean? Of course, there is a sense in which you never really do leave
the previous family. I read some time ago that when a man and a woman climb in
the bed every night there are six people who get in that bed. There is the man
and his father and mother. There is the woman and her father and mother. Actually, for all
of the rest of your life you will be affected by your family. You will be
affected by the kind of family you came from. Your upbringing will determine how
you solve problems, and how you relate to one another! So in one sense
of the word, you don't leave the family. In another sense of the word, you
ought not to leave the family. Hear me out. He's not saying here that you sever
the relationship. He is not saying that you have no more contact. No! We
grandpas and grandmas would get upset if that's the way it was. The truth of
the matter is, you can just send over the grandkids and you can stay home. So there is a
sense in which you do not ever leave your family and there is a sense in which
you ought not to leave your family. You do not break total contact with them. · What
does he mean when he says to leave your father and mother? He is saying that
when you get married and have a family, you are putting together something
which is brand-new. You are putting together something which has never existed
before. It's your family. It's your marriage. The goal is unity in that new
family and that new marriage. That's why you
have to cut some strings when you get married. Clip those financial strings. I
told my kids when they married if you are old enough to get married, you are
old enough to take care of yourself and don't be coming back to me. Now, that
works most of the time, but not all the time. You cut some of
those strings of dependency. You have to learn to develop some independency in
your marriage. Leave your father and mother and cleave unto your wife, and they shall
be one flesh. (Ill. One of the
hardest parts is for the parents to let the children go. Children need to
leave, and mom and dad need to let them go!) · That
word cleave carries several ideas. It carries the idea of
compatibility. If you are going to have a good marriage and a good
family, there has to be compatibility in that family. This is one of the big
myths about marriage and family. It is the myth that we are just automatically
compatible to one another. Here is a couple
and they get married and think they are so compatible. They enjoy being with
one another. They think they are loading up and sailing away on the love boat.
If that be true, a lot of couples feel like they have missed the boat. The
truth of the matter is we are not very compatible. Let me read you
what Cecil Osburn said. The difficulty of achieving a happy marriage
is compounded by the fact that men and women are basically incompatible. They
have goals, needs, emotions, and drives which are incompatible with those of
the opposite sex. We are basically incompatible. It takes a lifetime
of marriage to develop compatibility. The same thing is true in a family when
children are born. They are all different. Here are two children who have the
same mother and father and they are total opposites. So here you have
this conglomerate of people who are different. You are trying to work it out
and develop that compatibility. You are trying to learn to talk to one another.
You are trying to learn to negotiate with one another. · He
says you are to cleave together. Over in Matthew
19 where Jesus quoted this statement, He said this, What
God hath joined together... That's an interesting word, join.
It really means to be glued together. It means to be stuck together. It
refers to a bond that is so strong that it cannot be broken without serious
damage to both pieces. So,
He is talking about commitment. I believe the number one requirement
for a strong family is commitment. When you marry, you are committed to that
wife. You are committed to that husband. When the children come along, you are
committed to those children. You are committed to one another. You are
committed for the long haul. You are committed to love one another and every
member of that family must be very special and precious to you. Every part of
that family needs to be glued together. We learn to talk with one another. We
learn to live with one another. · I'm
going to give you a question to ask yourself either right now or some time
later on. What is life like for my spouse having to live with me? Ask
yourself that question. · A
Firm Family Foundation! If the foundation is to be firm,
strong and lasting, it must be a God-oriented foundation. That kind
of foundation gives a family authority. It must also be a goal-oriented foundation.
That gives a family unity. You have a goal. You are working toward oneness
Here's the third block for a fantastic family.
I. A God Oriented Foundation II.
A Goal Oriented Foundation III.
says. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a verse 26 in that chapter and it read
like this? And they all lived happily ever after. But you and I know
better than that. · After
Genesis 2 what comes next? Genesis 3. Chapter 2 closes with them being naked and unashamed. In Genesis 3:10, it says that Adam
said to the Lord, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked,
and I hid myself. You are already
ahead of me. You know where this is headed. In Genesis 3 we have the sad record of the first family and the
entrance of sin into their family and in to the human race. Man became a
sinner. Adam became a sinner. Eve became a sinner. One of the things
you have to understand to have A Firm Family Foundation is that we
are all sinners. You married a sinner. Your spouse married a sinner.
This is true even in Christian families! Mom and dad may be saved, and all the
children may be saved. You may all be saved, but you are also all sinners.
Christian dads battle temptation. Christian dads make mistakes. Christian moms
struggle and blow it sometimes. Christian boys and girls and young people act
like pagans some times. We are all sinners. · Something
else, we are all selfish. When the Lord confronted Adam about his
sin, what do you think he did? It's that woman. It's all her fault.
What do you think she did? It's that snake. Adam got even
worse than that. He said, It's that woman YOU gave me. It's all your
fault, God. Not only are we all sinners, but we are all selfish. · Notice
what happened in Genesis 3.
It says in verse 21, And
unto Adam also and to his wife, did the Lord God make clothes of skin and
clothed them. What's that? That's a picture of salvation! That's a
picture of grace! Grace covered their nakedness. Grace covered their sin! Not
only are we all sinners and are we all selfish, but we are all damaged goods. But,
we are all salvageable. We can all be saved by God's grace. God can change you,
sir. You say, I'll go over there and hear him, but its not going to help our family.
Let me tell you, sir, God can do a work of grace in your life. You don't have
to be the sorry thing you are today. You can be everything God intends you to
be by His grace. · A
grace-oriented foundation! A family where grace is understood makes all the
difference in the world. If you understand grace, then you can understand
forgiveness. Grace means that you get what you don't deserve. Mercy means that
you don't get what you do deserve. · Studying
this message God showed me something I had never seen before. I think the
greatest example in the Bible of a grace-oriented family is the family of the
prodigal son. He had one of the greatest fathers a boy could ever have. That
boy said, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. He
proved that he was a sinner and he proved that he was selfish. With a broken
heart, that old dad gave the boy his inheritance and the boy took off to the
far country. You know what happened in the far country? The Bible said he joined
himself. Same word I used earlier. He glued himself. Some of you are
glued to the far country. You are glued to this old world. You are glued to the
standards and the morals of this old world. You have glued yourself to this
ungodly, decadent world. It will happen to you just like it did to this poor
old boy. It took him all the way down to the hog pen. One day he came to
himself and said, I don't deserve to be a son anymore, but I would be better off being a
servant of my daddy than to live down here. That old boy came
up out of that hog pen and headed home. There at the home place was old dad.
The Bible says that he saw his son afar off. The boy got closer. The father
went out to him and said, You sorry piece of plunder. You embarrassed
me before my whole family. You embarrassed me at church. Don't you show your
face around here. Go on back where you came from. Did I miss it there? That old boy came
back. He didn't deserve anything. He deserved judgment. He deserved hell. He
starts making his apologies. Father, I'm no longer worthy to be called
your son. He couldn't even finish his speech because the Bible says
the father put his arms around him and kissed him and put a robe on him. He
said, Come on home, son. Welcome back! · That's
what it means to have a grace-oriented family. There are times when all of us
need forgiveness. There are times when we don't need what we deserve. There are
times when transgressions are so great that forgiveness is difficult. The test
is contrition and repentance. When there is genuine repentance and remorse over
sin, there should be room in our families for genuine forgiveness and
restoration! Conc:
If you want to build a family with a firm biblical foundation, you need to have
a God-oriented family. That gives a family authority. You need to have a
goal-oriented family. That gives a family unity. You need to have a
grace-oriented family. That gives a family beauty. · What is going on in your family? · Are there needs that should be addressed today? · Is there forgiveness that needs to be extended today? · Are there confessions that need to be made today? · Do you need to come and pray for your family? · Do you need to come to Jesus Christ for salvation? · Are you a wayward son, like the Prodigal, and you need
to come home today? · If there are needs in your family or in your life,
there is help in Jesus. Come to Him today and receive the help you need! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |